So, here’s the thing…I started this blog for you. Yes you!

  • You the thinker
  • You the opinionated one
  • You the chatterbox
  • You the writer and poet
  • You the single mom
  • You the fashionista
  • You the voluptuous beauty
  • You the teenage mom
  • You the sassy and bold one
  • You the dreamer
  • You the domestic abuse survivor
  • You the Christian black woman
  • You the avid searcher of wisdom and good conversation

So who am I?  I am and was all these people.  I’ve experienced, observed, learned, and triumphed over many things as I’ve journeyed throughout this adventure called Life and would love to share those things with you.

The Beginning…

If you read my “This Is Me” page, you’ve already learned a little about me, so I won’t weigh you down with too much more history, afterall this is a blog and not an autobiography (but one is coming…at some point).

When I was 7 my mother got a new job that was going to require a lot of long hours away from home.  She knew she wasn’t going to be able to give me the attention I needed, so she arranged for me to live with her mother, my grandmother, Ogreathea Daisy (by the way, her name is pronounced O-gree-the…just in case you were struggling).  It was supposed to be a temporary living arrangement, but 12 years later I was still living with her.

Now as a child I had a robust imagination, in fact it was phenomenal.  I could make up a story about anything or anyone on the drop of a dime.  But my brilliant talent of storytelling wasn’t always accepted or respected by everyone, particularly my grandmother.  She mistook my gift to be a horrible lying habit, which means I got punished…a lot.  Okay, so maybe sometimes I did embellish the truth…a little.  And maybe, there were times when I got so caught up in my stories that I couldn’t tell reality from fiction, but in my defense…God blessed me with great imagination and I was just using it to the best of my ability AND I was just a kid, so Ogreathea could have cut a sister a little slack.  But, I digress…

In the third grade, I read a book full of whimsical poems by Shel Silverstein titled, “Where the Sidewalk Ends”, and my love for poetry was born.  Mimicking Silverstein’s work, I would write 4-5 poems a day about anything and everything.  I was learning the art of rhyme scheme and loving it, and by the time I finished reading and studying Dr. Seuss’ books, I had become a “Rhyme Master”.  Every poem I wrote contained rhymes, even without trying I was rhyming (see…I just did it).  I even started writing and performing raps and was quite good at free-styling, BUT…that was then, and this is now.

The books that changed my life


The Middle…

In middle school, I began writing short stories filled with adolescent drama (inspired by my life at that time) and started writing skits and songs once I entered high school.  By that time, my short stories had developed into meaningful meals instead of pre-teen appetizers.  When I reached college, full-length plays, commercials, novellas, speeches, and scripts had been added to my creative writing arsenal.  Now in the interim of all this writing, between my high school and college years, some serious life events were taking place.  In the summer that I turned 16, my daughter Quianna was born, then 2 years and 9 months later, which was less than 1 year after I graduated from high school, my son Frankie was born.  Check out their newborn photos below.  I may be biased, but my babies were too cute.  The 3rd baby is my grandson, I added his photo because he’s another beautiful baby my DNA helped to produce…I’m just saying. (Gushing smile) 



Quianna Shaniece Barnwell

Frankie Keon Wright

Austin Bernard Taylor

I was 19, with 2 children trying to survive and thrive in this new world called motherhood.  And trust me when I tell you, “life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.”  I made a lot of mistakes as a teenage mother, but I also did a lot of things right to be so young and inexperienced, and I credit that to my no-nonsense, tell it like it is, big-hearted grandmother.  She raised me using the southern values and beliefs that had been instilled in her.  Though I often rebelled and fought against her teachings, I still ended up inheriting many of her attributes, I believe resiliency is one of them.

Still Being Written…

Okay, so as I previously mentioned, I was still progressing my writing craft while I was making all these babies.  And though I was writing ferociously back then, you’ll be surprised to know I didn’t want to become a writer, that dream developed over time. I just liked storytelling and sharing what I wrote with others (regardless if they were interested or not in reading or hearing it). Now, thirty-something odd years later from when I first began, I am a published author, who uses writing and words to speak life and encouragement into the hearts of others – this has become my mission.

Now, I must admit it took me a while to figure out who I am because for so long I was convinced that my existence was non-existent, and my words were powerless; the world and people can make you feel and believe that…but God. When I developed a true relationship with God, I gained clarity about my worth, my life, and my purpose (btw, this didn’t happen overnight, it took many years for me to reach my mountain top).

I have allowed God to use my pains and gains, my talents and strengths, my weaknesses, and flaws to groom me into the woman I am still becoming.  I must underline the word “still” because none of us will ever arrive to that one level where we can just stop.  Life will show us (sometimes the hard way), that there is always room for progression and change. Therefore, I choose to progress with God as He elevates me to higher levels (or brings me back down, so I can grow a little more); I choose to be a life-long learner; I choose to be the best version of myself that only I can be. And if you never buy any of my products, or read anything else that I write except for this blog, I want you to leave my website knowing that it is my sincere hope and prayer that you choose to progress as well, and not rob yourself of becoming a better you.

For now, this is a weekly blog and I’ll post something new every Sunday. But you can always check me out on Instagram to hear or read some of my poetry, get a sneak peek about the next blog post, or just stalk me.  Oh, one more thing. My blog content is unadulterated truth…my truth. You may disagree with my opinions and thoughts, but you’ve been wrong before. (Winky Face Emoji)

Until we speak again…smooches

Enjoy some family pics