So, how many times have you watched someone else get the job, the promotion, or the man/woman that you felt you were supposed to get or have? You may have been wishing, hoping, or praying for something, and just when it looks like you’re about to get it, someone else swoops in and takes your stuff!

Sucks, doesn’t it?

But here’s the thing…it wasn’t yours to begin with. I’m an avid believer that, “what’s for you is for you”. No one can steal or take anything from you that God intends for you to have, perhaps it’s just not your turn.

In the book of Jeremiah, chapter 29, verse 11 it says, “For I know the plans I have for you”, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you; to give you hope and a future…”

This scripture says it plainly, God knows the plans He has for YOU, therefore if you didn’t get that job or promotion; it wasn’t in His plans, if you didn’t snag ole boy or ole girl; it wasn’t in His plans. God doesn’t make mistakes. So rather than us beating ourselves up, or having a tantrum because someone took “our stuff”, let’s try to be patient and just wait…or better yet change our perspective.

Oftentimes what we think is good for us, isn’t.

We don’t have an aerial view of our lives, we only have a limited view, but God sees it all; what’s behind us, around us, and what’s ahead of us. He also knows if that thing we want so bad will prosper us or cause us harm. And because He always has our best interest at heart, He’s not going to give us something outside of his will just because we want it, especially if it will harm us.

Another thing to consider is this, perhaps we’re simply not ready for what we want…

We may not be skilled or trained enough to handle that new job or promotion, or we may still be harboring hurt and/or bitter feelings from our last relationship and will inadvertently drag our old junk into our new relationship…this happens all the time.

Is it fair that people should have to endure unnecessary stress or suffer from our lack of knowledge or healing? Let me answer for you, NO!

And here’s just one more thing for you to chew on, maybe He’s making preparations for you. God is always working behind the scene tidying things up, or moving things/people around so we can have a smooth transition to our next destination. We’re just unaware of what He’s doing.

Think of a seed that’s been planted. It can take forever for it to sprout and quite frankly, it can be a little frustrating to wait for your fruit, vegetables, or herbs to emerge. But just because we don’t see anything happening doesn’t mean nothing is happening. Underneath that soil, the seed is cracking open and roots are growing and taking hold to the soil. And when the TIME IS RIGHT, we will see the evidence we’ve been wanting and waiting for.

Look, I promise you, God is faithful.

He knows our needs and wants better than we do and He hasn’t forgotten you, though it may seem like He has. So stop trying to snatch other people’s blessings out of their hands or secretly cursing them because you didn’t get what they got.

I’m inclined to believe that just like you, at some point they were also wishing, hoping, or praying for something or someone, and now…it’s time for them to reap their harvest.

Until we speak again…smooches